The Copypasta license, [author], [year]. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version. You can redistribute, copy, share the original work, but cannot modify, remix or extend it and share "your" version.